Whenever we think of dogs, the sobriquet 'man's best friend' comes to mind. Wondering why dogs are called man's best friend, the points here should satiate the curiosity. Besides providing companionship and security, there are other things a dog can sense.
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"I have found that when you are deeply troubled, there are things you get from the silent devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source." - Doris Day
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The quote truly justifies the amazing relation a human and a dog share. Even though your beloved pooch can't speak or give advice, it surely does a lot of things, even best friends or close peers can't.
For centuries, people have been turning towards dogs for love, affection, and companionship. Dogs are perceptive, emotional, and wise. Though their brains are not as sharp as us, dogs understand if their masters are feeling weak - emotionally or physically.
Dr. Stanley Coren, author of 'The Intelligence of Dogs', states that a dog's mind is same as a two-year-old baby. However, they also are socially aware of everything around. So, they are probably the first to notice any change in the master's behavior .
Dogs can sense when you're down. Research in Animal Cognition Journal shows they approach sad or depressed people.
They Sense Grief
It doesn't matter if the person is the owner or a stranger, they have an ability to detect sadness and are attracted to troubled souls. Animal experts, though, aren't sure if this can be classified as empathy.
They Understand When Ignored
Dogs can easily tell when you're playing favorites, and if you reward or play more with other pets, your dog might notice and feel insecure.
Dogs may get depressed if neglected compared to other pets, leading to behaviors like scratching, yawning, and excessive licking, as per the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
They know When Priorities Shift
Pets may feel neglected when a new baby arrives, causing distress as attention shifts, a common scenario in many households.
Dr. Coren suggests wrapping the baby in a swaddling blanket, and placing it where the dog sleeps. This way, your pet will associate the baby with a scent it already likes, and will learn to be comfortable around the new member.
They Smell Fear
Imagine facing your worst fear. Would you run or confront it? Remember, your reaction sets an example for your pet.
Research shows that dogs enact their master's responses in drastic situations. Unless you have a German Shepherd or a Doberman Pinscher, if you are scared of something and choose to back away, chances are your pet will do the same.
They Detect Health Problems
Not many believe this, but your dog may have more in common with your physician than you can imagine.
We've all known that dogs have a strong sense of smell, and that is a million times better than humans. In addition to sniffing thugs and criminals, dogs can detect fatal conditions that can affect health.
Research shows that dogs can detect odors emitted by various cancers. If your dog shows interest in a mole, rash, or breathes frequently, consider a visit to the doctor.
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They Understand Anger
Your pet may give you the innocent puppy-dog face when you're in a disciplining mood.
Dogs can sense your anger and may act submissive to calm you down. Recent research suggests they don't feel guilt or cower when lectured.
They Know When No One's Looking
Remember, your pet behaves well when you're watching, but when you're not, it's prone to giving in to temptations.
Think twice before leaving a delicious steak on the counter, your pet will gobble it up in seconds. The same goes for grapes, chocolate, raw meat, and house plants that are dangerous to health.
They're Watching You
We are all raised as respectable individuals who are taught to respect elders, obey the law, and help those in need. But if you have a dog at home, it is time to be serious about them.
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Research from the University of Milan involved dogs observing 2 actors - one who shared his meal with a beggar, and the other who shooed away the beggar. It was found that dogs approached the generous man, the friendlier attitude for the beggar was the deciding factor.
So just be careful around your pet, it may judge you on how you behave with others.
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Often, we are caught in our daily schedule giving little time to our pets. We ignore their behavior, noticing problems only when too late. Also, dogs are faithful and loyal, and in spite of being given only a few minutes of attention, will love you unconditionally.