Do you own a Newfoundland Dog? Let's see how much you know these 'Gentle Giants'!
Girish Karajgi
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Many tales surround the courage displayed by Newfoundlands in adventuring and lifesaving exploits.
Many tales surround the courage displayed by Newfoundlands in adventuring and lifesaving exploits.
Tell Tale!
Tell Tale!
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Hailing from Canada, Newfoundlands have a natural inclination towards rescuing struggling or drowning people from treacherous waters.
Hailing from Canada, Newfoundlands have a natural inclination towards rescuing struggling or drowning people from treacherous waters.
Interesting Fact
Interesting Fact
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Nana, the protective canine of Wendy Darling and her siblings in the Disney classic "Peter Pan," is actually a Newfoundland that's often mistaken for a Saint Bernard.
Nana, the protective canine of Wendy Darling and her siblings in the Disney classic "Peter Pan," is actually a Newfoundland that's often mistaken for a Saint Bernard.
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“A man is not good man to me because he will feed me if I should be starving, or warm me if I should be freezing, or pull me out of a ditch if I should ever fall into one. I can find you a Newfoundland dog that will do as much.” - Walden by Henry Thoreau
“A man is not good man to me because he will feed me if I should be starving, or warm me if I should be freezing, or pull me out of a ditch if I should ever fall into one. I can find you a Newfoundland dog that will do as much.” - Walden by Henry Thoreau
Canine Quote!
Canine Quote!
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Newfies are so strong, they’ve even been known to pull smaller boats by a rope all the way to shores!
Newfies are so strong, they’ve even been known to pull smaller boats by a rope all the way to shores!
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Newfies are believed to be the ancestors of St. Bernards. The two breeds share traits of numerous livestock guardian dog breeds.
Newfies are believed to be the ancestors of St. Bernards. The two breeds share traits of numerous livestock guardian dog breeds.
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Four newfies - Lara, Faithful, Hector, and Veto - have lived in the White House. The newfie, Gander, was posthumously awarded the Dickin Medal, the "animals' Victoria Cross", in 2000 for his service in World War II..
Four newfies - Lara, Faithful, Hector, and Veto - have lived in the White House. The newfie, Gander, was posthumously awarded the Dickin Medal, the "animals' Victoria Cross", in 2000 for his service in World War II..
Cool Facts
Cool Facts
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"Napoleon the Wonder Dog" would compete at jumping against human rivals, leaping over horses from a springboard, and dancing to music.
"Napoleon the Wonder Dog" would compete at jumping against human rivals, leaping over horses from a springboard, and dancing to music.
Fun Fact
Fun Fact
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Boo, the Newfie, was 10 months old and had received no formal training in water rescue, when he rescued a hearing-impaired man from drowning in the Yuba river in Northern California in 1995.
Boo, the Newfie, was 10 months old and had received no formal training in water rescue, when he rescued a hearing-impaired man from drowning in the Yuba river in Northern California in 1995.
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Westminster Kennel Club is the most prestigious dog show in America that takes place every February at Madison Square Garden in New York City.
Westminster Kennel Club is the most prestigious dog show in America that takes place every February at Madison Square Garden in New York City.
Good to Know ...
Good to Know ...
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A fully grown adult Newfoundland hound weighs up to 150 pounds on an average. Females can weigh up to 120 pounds.
A fully grown adult Newfoundland hound weighs up to 150 pounds on an average. Females can weigh up to 120 pounds.
Know This ...
Know This ...
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Newfoundlands can live up to the age of 8-10 years. Although, they are commonly known to live up to the age of 10 years, some can also grow to be 15 years old.
Newfoundlands can live up to the age of 8-10 years. Although, they are commonly known to live up to the age of 10 years, some can also grow to be 15 years old.