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How to Treat a Sick Dog

Reshma Jirage
Your dog may suffer from various ailments, and you, as his caregiver and guardian must take necessary efforts to care for him. This DogAppy post offers a few tips on how to care for your sick dog.
Keeping a pet―any kind of pet―brings with it a lot of responsibilities. A dog can be a fabulous companion and a great addition to your life, but it's equally true that this pet needs to be looked after just like a child.
A dog, or any other pet, is not able to verbally convey his feelings to humans, it is up to the owner to look for signs that indicate discomfort. It is extremely important to pay attention to your dog's behavior, as they have their own ways to seek help from their human in case they are feeling unwell.

Signs that Your Dog is Sick

It is very important for you to know the symptoms of a sick dog. Some indications are weakness, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, disorientation, weight loss, straining to urinate, bloody urine, unproductive retching, pale mucous membrane, difficulty in walking, persistent cough and difficulty in breathing.
Frequent shaking of the head, foul smell emanating from the ears, along with a discharge indicates mites or yeast infection. Constipation or defecating problems are a result of intestinal blockage or a change of diet. Persistent coughing is a sign of kennel cough, pneumonia, heartworm or heart disease.
Passing blood in urine indicates that the dog is suffering from urinary tract infection, kidney disease or internal injury. If the dog ingests grass or other vegetation or is frequently vomiting, it may be caused by a worm infestation, gastrointestinal problems or poisoning.

How to Treat

When a dog is sick, he needs a complete attention and extreme care. When you notice any symptoms of sickness, you should immediately take him to the veterinarian. If the dog is suffering from diarrhea and vomiting, gradually, make a few changes in its diet.
Avoid giving leftovers to the dog, as it can trigger some serious problems such as pancreatitis. Vomiting indicates abdominal upset as well as other illnesses. Don't allow the dog to drink a lot of water at once. It may result in increased vomiting, which may further result in dehydration. Immediately take the dog to a veterinarian to seek treatment.
Don't feed the dog at least for 12 hours after the previous episode. Then, feed him small amounts of white meat such as boiled fish or chicken along with white rice. If the dog is suffering from diarrhea, allow him to drink only water for 12 hours. Then feed him a mild diet as recommended by the vet.
If your dog is suffering from arthritis, provide her with a soft bed and ensure that her movements are limited. Massage her muscles at the start of the day. Get a heating pad for the dog during the winter. Ensure that you only feed her medicines that are prescribed by a veterinarian.
If your dog is suffering from skin disorders, then prevent him from licking the area by using a Buster or Elizabethan collar. Prevent scratching by covering his paws using socks. Bathe him with cool water, or apply an ice pack. Use of chamomile or hazel lotion helps soothe the dog's skin.
While giving tablets to the dog, add it to a small quantity of soft food like minced meat. Make sure that your dog is hungry at the time of giving the medicine. You can feed the tablets through soft treats, known as tab pockets.
Thus, attentive care and appropriate treatment will help your dog recover sooner and become healthy and playful again.