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How to Take Care of Your Pet While Moving

This is a guide for you to keeping your pet's life easy and stress free during a move.
Austin Winder


Many people forget that a move is as stressful for their pets as it is for them. It is not uncommon for pets to become anxious or excited when unfamiliar activity takes place in their home. This stress on the pet will only increase when they are introduced to the new environment.
There is no official method to take care of the emotional health of your pet while moving, but the given tips will prove helpful.

Make Sure Your Pet Is Ready

There are a number of steps you can take in the weeks leading up to a move to make sure your pet is physically and mentally prepared for a move. One thing you can do is take your pet for a trip to the veterinarian.
While talking to your veterinarian, make sure all your pet's vaccinations are current and any prescriptions he or she has, is filled.

If you feel your pet will endure a high level of anxiety during the move, it may also be a good idea to ask your veterinarian about stress-relieving medications.

Prepare Overnight Bag

You should prepare an overnight bag that includes enough food, toys, tools for grooming, and kitty litter to keep your pet happy for a few days while everything is unpacked.

Keep Pets Away From Work

The best way to keep your pet safe and stress-free during the move is to have them in the quietest possible place during the move.

It is recommended you find a babysitter for the day, but if this is not possible keep them apart from the action of the move.
You can do this by allowing them to play in an empty bedroom or on another level of the home. The pet can also be placed in its carrier inside the garage or a car but only if the temperature is adequate to provide safety to them.

Transport in Vehicle

You should drive your pet to its new place of residence in a car with which he or she is familiar. Cats and small dogs will be comfortable inside a carrier or their favorite bed.

Larger dogs may require a kennel. If your pet is made anxious by the changing scenery while in the car, you can place a blanket over the kennel or carrier.

Keep Pet Inside Until Move Complete

A pet can easily become lost in a new neighborhood. Do not open the kennel while your pet is in the car or you are still moving items into the house. You should keep your pet inside the home for the first few days after a move.
This will provide you with sufficient time to make sure no unattended animals or any other dangers exist in your new neighborhood that may pose a threat to your dog.

Pet Proof New Home

Do not forget to pet-proof your new home. Make sure electrical cords are tucked away and make sure any nooks and crannies that could cause your pet to become stuck are plugged.
You should place secure screens on your windows and check for any plants that could be poisonous in the yard. Also, make sure the past owner didn't leave any pest control poisons in or around the house.

The Bottom Line

A move from one home to another can be a stressful time in the life of your pet. And while there is not one way to assure your pet will not experience undue anxiety as a result of a move, the tips mentioned here will help your dog remain comfortable.