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How to Take Care of Black Molly Fish

Raksha Kulkarni
Molly fish are one of the very popular and appropriate fish to keep in your tank. They can also be kept by first-time owners. There are things you should know about caring for a black molly fish. This story will guide you to keep these wonderful creatures with proper care.

They reproduce like crazy!

Female mollies can store sperms, which is why they can give birth almost 3 times in six months without a male.
The black molly is a hybrid species of Poecilia latipinna and Poecilia sphenops. This fish is also called Midnight molly. It is black in color, but sometimes, yellow is seen on the dorsal fin and minute silver lines on the flanks.
The balloon-bellied mollies are just a result of hybrid breeding. Their appearances are beautiful and cute, but that comes with some defects too, which can reduce their lifespan.

The black mollies come from brackish water regions in North and Central America. Brackish water means that it has more salt proportion than freshwater but much less than seawater.
Also, they are warm water species. So, be sure you create that environment in the tank. Apart from this pointer, this story highlights specific prerequisites in order to ascertain good care for a molly fish.

Before Bringing Home a Molly Fish

❋ You need to learn how to distinguish between a male and a female. The female has a round fan-like anal fin, and the male has a straight thick fin.

❋ Do not get males and females in a 1:1 ratio. The male will constantly want to mate. So, it is better you get 3 - 4 females for 1 male.
❋ Do not bring all males or they will become aggressive, with each male aspiring to become the alpha male of the tank.

❋ Separate the female when she is pregnant, and before that happens, get a breeder's net/trap as you never know when she'll get pregnant.
❋ Mollies like decoration, so you can get trees and the like.

❋ Mollies can live without an oxygen pump, but it is best if you provide it. It will keep the tank clean as well.

Temperament and Food

❋ Mollies are normally peaceful fish, but males may get aggressive sometimes. Provide enough hide plants for the weak fish.

❋ In some cases, mollies are found nipping at other fish's fins. It's not a very big problem, but can increase the stress levels in the other fish, if they are not strong enough to defend.
❋ Mollies somehow live in a hierarchy, which they decide themselves. You will see one swimming at the top and the others below.

❋ Mollies love to eat and will eat a lot, but be careful not to overfeed them. Feeding them twice a day is fine.
❋ Mollies are omnivores, so be sure to give them the best of both. Flake food or frozen bloodworms can be given. Brine shrimp and micro-worms can also be given. Frozen or blanched vegetables will also be readily eaten by these fish.

Water/Tank Requirements

❋ They are tropical fish and so they prefer temperatures of about 80 - 82°F. They like brackish water, which has a pH of 7 - 8.5.

❋ A pH of 8.0 is the most suitable for breeding fish.
❋ A tank of 20 - 30 gallons is sufficient for mollies. If you have many, then a bigger tank can be arranged for.

❋ These fish like to swim as well as hide. So provide enough space for both. Live trees can be the best for hiding.
❋ Live plants are a good source of food too, especially for the babies.

❋ A heater could be used to maintain the warm temperature needed.


❋ These fish are live bearers, and females can get pregnant almost every time. You can see her belly bulging when she's pregnant.

❋ The gestation period lasts for 4 weeks.
❋ Mollies have the ability to give birth to almost 60 babies in every 2.5 months.

❋ The mating starts when the male takes effort to impress the female using his beautiful fins.
❋ When you think a female is pregnant, move it to a breeder's net or a different tank (alone), or else she will be troubled by the males. If the female is due, it's difficult to move her as she will get tensed and abort the babies.
❋ There can be any number of fry born. Try to separate the mother from the babies or else she might eat them as her food. Another option can be providing many hide objects for the babies to hide from their mother.
❋ Babies start eating as soon as they are born, so you can crush the flakes and feed them. They have to be fed 3 - 4 times in a day.

❋ A baby will be fully mature after 4 months.

About the Tankmates

❋ Mollies are considered as calm, but can be prone to nipping. So take care that you place them with the right company.
❋ If large-sized fish are introduced for company, the molly fish will be afraid (of nipping away) and will mind its own business. Never keep it with small-sized fish, as it may eat them up. Neon tetras are a bad choice as their companion.
❋ Also, take salty water into consideration; select those that can live with it. Never choose cold-water species.

❋ Find out details from the nearest pet store and know your available options.
Provide the perfect atmosphere for mollies, and always keep the tank clean. Take proper care and watch with wonderment how 3 - 4 fish will get your whole tank filled up with so many more mollies!