Did you know that green anoles are the only anole lizards native to the U.S.? Though they can change color, yet they do not belong to the chameleon family.
Anole lizards are bright green and a common sight in the southern states of the United States. They are sometimes known as American chameleons because of their ability to change color. However, anole lizards and chameleons did not belong to same family.
Anolis Carolinensis Porcatus is the scientific name of green anoles and they belong to the family Iguanidae. They are the largest lizards belonging to this family.
Interesting Facts
• Green anole lizards grow six to eight inches long; however, when they become old or are injured, their color turns brown. An anole lizard is green as long as it is healthy and young.
• The eyes of an anole are black in color, and they move independent of each other. A male anole has pink patches or flaps on the skin near the throat. These flaps are called dewlaps. They are flaunted during the mating period to attract the attention of the female anoles.
• Like all lizards, an anole breaks off its tail to escape from the claws of the predators. The new tail grows in its place but is shorter and less attractive. Another interesting feature of this lizard is that the tail can be shed only once in a lifetime.
• An anole loves to feast on insects or grubs of crickets, moths, and beetles. It also feed on spiders. A green anole loves to bask in sunny and warm places, and they are diurnal (active during the day). This green lizard is quick to move when it senses its prey or the predator. Its sticky feet make it adept at climbing on any kind of surface.
• The breeding season of an anole begins in spring and ends in early summer. During the mating period, the male attracts the female by flaunting its dewlap. He does so by bobbing his head up and down and extending the dewlap. If the female accepts, she will arch her neck to show that she is receptive to mating. The male then shows his agreement by biting the back of her neck.
• The female lays eggs in summer in moist and warm places, such as shallow holes in the ground or in the decaying vegetation on the treetop. They lay several clutches of eggs, each clutch having 1 - 2 eggs.
The clutches are laid once in 14 days. The gestation period of the eggs is 60 - 90 days. The hatchlings are miniature images of their parents. The life span of an anole is 2 to 8 years.
Many reptile lovers keep an anole as a pet. Though it is inexpensive, it is not easy to take care of one. It would need plenty of space, warmth, humidity, and sunlight. Are you aware that a pet green anole should be fed live insects daily?
If you are not in a position to provide them with a proper diet, it is best not to keep them as pets. Nevertheless, it is fun and interesting to observe this green-colored reptile, regardless of whether you keep it as a pet or in its natural habitat.