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Drooling in Dogs

Gagan Dhillon
Drooling, slobbering, or salivating is synonymous with dogs. All dogs pant or drool, but there are times when it can get serious. This article lists the causes of excessive drooling in dogs.
Obviously, there are limits to how much a dog can drool, but if your pet seems to be uncharacteristically salivating, you may need to get him/her checked for certain things. Given below are some of the reasons why dogs drool. These will help you to understand when it can mean a sign of an illness.


Dogs are lovable creatures and they never seem to run out of ways to make you smile. Just like humans, the behavior of dog's too is very complex. Over a period of time, by just observing your dog, you can tell if something is bothering him/her. The most common reason for dogs to drool is when they are happy and excited.
This usually happens when they see a person that they just want to meet, or when they see their favorite edible treats. Some dogs also drool to keep themselves cool. Some breeds tend to drool more due to their mouth structure, such as Bull Mastiffs, Boxer dogs, and Great Danes.
In most cases, this behavior will suggest that your dog is excited or tired. Some dogs also tend to drool if they are thirsty, which is perfectly normal, but what if your dog doesn't usually drool and has suddenly started. Sudden or excessive salivating is not normal. The following are some of the causes.
  • Sudden slobbering can be a symptom of a health problem. The dog may have a gum problem or an infected tooth.
  • There can be some foreign object stuck in his/her throat. Check for signs of a hacking cough.
  • The dog could also have been stung by a bee or an insect. Check for signs of swelling around the mouth region.

  • If a dog is feeling nauseous, he/she may drool. Certain digestive problems also cause excessive drooling.
  • Your dog may also drool if he/she is allergic to certain foods or is having food poisoning.
  • Dogs with rabies also drool excessively. A tumor or injury around the mouth could be the other serious cause.


If you notice excessive drooling, then watch out for other signs that may suggest that there may be an illness. For example, check for the following signs:
  • The dog moving his/her head from side to side.
  • He/she is frequently touching the paws to the mouth.
  • Trying to induce vomit.
  • If he/she is displaying any signs of lethargy.
After ascertaining this, check for injury marks and signs of tooth or gum problems. The treatment in non-serious cases is very simple. If the dog has been stung by a bee, give him/her a mild anti-allergic medication.
If dental problem is the cause of unusual drooling, then get the problem treated by going to a vet. If there is a foreign object stuck in the dog's throat, try removing it or give him/her some bread or something to help him/her swallow it.
Otherwise, go to the vet for help. If no other signs are visible but you suspect something wrong, it is best to consult a vet who will run tests to determine the cause.
Before you panic, remember that drooling is absolutely normal. In rare cases, if there is severe drooling, basic care at home can bring the dog back to normal. However, if you have tried everything and the situation is beyond your control, let the vet do what he/she is good at and soon, your slobberer will be back to her/his usual antics.