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Dog Tick Removal

Dhanya Joy
Ticks can be a great nuisance to dog owners as well as the pet dog, as they can cause diseases and infections. Read on for some tips and techniques to get rid of dog ticks.
Ticks are parasites that thrive on the blood of their hosts and are capable of causing infections, various illnesses, and health problems. They spread infectious diseases, not only in pets but in humans as well. Tick infestation is most likely during the onset of monsoons, as it is easier for the ticks to survive and multiply in wet and humid conditions.
They get attracted to the warm body temperatures of dogs, cats, and other mammals, and are found on grass and plants. They stick to their hosts by firmly attaching their mouths to the host's skin, and begin sucking blood.
If the ticks and fleas are not removed from the pet's body immediately or within a few hours, they can engorge themselves into the host's skin. Engorged tick removal can be a little more difficult compared to the removal of those ticks that have not engorged themselves. Here are a few techniques and tools for a safe and painless way to remove dog ticks.


There are various techniques that ensure a safe and painless procedure. While following any of the techniques, it is essential that you wear disposable or surgical hand gloves and have some alcohol ready in a container.


Step 1: The first thing that you need to do to remove a tick from the dog's body, is to stun or immobilize it. For this, you need to spray a small amount of alcohol on the tick. This will make it dizzy and it will immediately let go of its hold on your pet dog.
Step 2: Once the tick has loosened its grip, you need to remove it carefully and gently from the dog's body. Be sure not to burst the tick, as its blood is poisonous. If its blood enters the dog's body, it could cause a skin infection or a skin disease. Extract the tick and drop it into the alcohol-filled container.
Step 3: Remove all the ticks from your pet's body, put them into the container, and appropriately dispose of the container. Make sure you disinfect the area from which the ticks were extracted, with an antiseptic cream or solution. This would enable flea control and would also quickly heal the wounds on the dog's body.


Step 1: Seat yourself and your dog on some newspaper sheets. Make sure your dog is seated in a position such that the area infested with ticks is easily accessible.
Step 2: Gently grip the area of infestation close to the skin. Get a firm hold on the tick by pinching it and twist it in an anti-clockwise direction while applying a little pressure, if required. This will make the tick dizzy and it will loosen its hold.
Step 3: Maintaining your grip on the tick, pull it out gently and crush it by pressing it between two newspaper sheets, or you can flush it down the sink.
Step 4: Remove all the ticks and disinfect the area of infestation.

Engorged Tick Removal Technique

Step 1: Using a pair of pointed tweezers, grasp the tick at the area where it is engorged in the dog's skin.
Step 2: Once it has been firmly grasped, pull the tick out steadily without twisting or jerking. Do not use force that will cause the tick to rupture. At times, a part of the tick may remain embedded in the dog's skin. Do not try to extract it, as it may be painful for the dog. The remaining embedded part will be disposed off by the dog's skin, eventually.
Step 3: After the tick has been removed, disinfect and wash the skin with a disinfectant or antiseptic. Continue with this wash at least for a few days.

Tick Removal Tools

Many canine tick removal tools are available commercially, using which, the ticks can be removed effectively. These include tweezers, tick removal hooks, tick key, tick nipper, etc. One needs to be very careful when using these tools, as it can cause some amount of pain and some minor injuries to the pet.
Dog tick removal is an important aspect of dog care and dog grooming. Owners must try to prevent a tick infestation, as the removal is a messy affair for the owner as well as the dog. It is essential to take good care of your pet after tick removal, to prevent other infections and skin disorders, and to maintain good dog health.