Write Guest Posts for Us

Write Guest Posts for Us
Here's your chance to boost user engagement and earn a higher ROI by guest blogging in the AMP stories format that lets you create immersive experiences for users.
This website accepts guest posts in a brand new format that's poised to be the future of the web - AMP Stories. Powered by Google's AMP technology, they are fast-to-load, fun-to-browse, search engine-friendly and mobile-focused. Owing to their rich visuals and crisp content, they attract more readers and help earn higher rankings.

These Visual Stories are thus an excellent way to gain a competitive advantage and make your marketing effort worthwhile. Be a contributor and start creating AMP Stories.

So what if you are new to blogging? You can still create content in the stories format. Put together some good pictures of your pet and submit them here as an AMP story. If you are a professional writer, you can write crisp and visually rich stories about any aspect of pet care and submit them here. And if you are into content marketing, you should make visual storytelling a part of your marketing strategy and gain a higher ROI.