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Are Raw Almonds Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Buzzle Staff
Your dog loves to be treated with almonds, but you are not sure if dogs can eat almonds? Though almonds are not toxic to dogs, like some other nuts, they can be harmful in some ways. Through this story, let's find out what happens when dogs eat almonds, and how your dog can enjoy this treat occasionally.

Danger Nut!

The Macadamia nut is the most dangerous nut for dogs. Consumption may lead to tremors, weakness, pain, fever, etc. So, keep it away from your pet at all costs.
Dogs have always been fascinated with 'human' food, and sometimes, we just pass them some as treats. But there are some foods which should not be given to dogs at any cost. What may seem nutritious for us may have a completely opposite effect on dogs.
One of the most dangerous food items for dogs are nuts. They can cause many serious medical conditions, or even be fatal for them. But are all nuts harmful for dogs? Well, the answer is no.
Some nuts like almonds or cashews are not toxic to dogs, but are not recommended either. Here's more about the effects of almonds on dogs, and how your dog can enjoy them occasionally.
Can dogs eat almonds?

Dogs can eat almonds, and they can be an inexpensive treat for them. It is important to understand that raw almonds are not harmful for dogs, but only when given in very small quantities, once in a while.
The dangers are seen if the quantity increases. One or two almonds as a treat is fine, but don't go overboard. If your dog develops a liking for almonds, he will want more. Do remember to keep them away from your dog.
Why are almonds not recommended for dogs?

The most important factor to be considered is the fat content in almonds. These are fatty nuts which can lead to weight gain in your dog. This can lead to an overload on the pancreas. Excess fat will lead to pancreatitis, which can be fatal.
Almonds are also difficult to digest. This can cause gastrointestinal distress, vomiting, diarrhea, and an upset stomach.

Almonds are also a choking hazard, especially for the smaller dog breeds. Most dogs tend to get excited, and end up swallowing this treat. The result could be the nut ending up stuck in its throat.
How can a dog enjoy almonds?

Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fats (one of the good fats) and vitamin E. They can be consumed by your dog only as a occasional treat.
If you are giving almonds to your dog, make sure that they are raw and unsalted. Chocolate-coated, flavored, sweetened, or salted almonds should never be given to pets.

It is best to cut the almonds in small pieces before giving it your dog. You can also give it an almond meal.
If you want to include some in your pet's diet, then you can try almond milk; it can be substituted in place of cow's milk.

Almond butter can also be given as a treat, but this is pretty expensive, and if your pet gets accustomed to the taste, it could get a little heavy on your pocket.
Dog biscuits made with almond flour or almond meal is also an option which you can try. This way, your dog gets all the nutritional benefits, without you worrying about him choking.
If your dog loves chocolate, then you can give him almond bark. Almond bark is a confectionery made with vegetable fats, instead of cocoa butter. This makes it safe for dogs. But ensure that you read the list of ingredients carefully.
The best thing you can do for your dog is feed him good quality dog food. It will ensure that it gets all the required nutrients, and you won't have to feed it human food for health reasons. Of course, if your dog loves almond, you can always reward it with a raw almond, occasionally.