If you are a first time fish owner and have become overwhelmed with the many aquarium fish available as pets, do not worry as the following passages provide ample information to help you out.
Aquariums have always been a part of my house. It has become a kind of a family tradition to keep and maintain a beautiful aquarium. My grandmother was the one who was crazy about fish, and I suppose she passed on a little craziness about fish to her daughters.
They too have aquariums at their homes, and they passed on the gene of 'fish craze' over to us third generation kids. We cannot imagine our houses without our fish tank, irrespective of whether we have the smallest size or the largest. But, having one was absolutely compulsorily. I enjoy watching my fish swim around the aquarium.
My hungry goldfish always asking for food or my majestic Siamese fighter which displays finery in great grandeur. There are many aquarium fish species like salt water and freshwater fish. Many of these types of fish for an aquarium have found a dwelling at our homes.
Types of Fish for an Aquarium
Before bringing home an aquarium fish, there are many things you need to consider about the behavior of the fish. You may bring home fish based on their color and shape, but do you know that many fish types are not compatible with each other and have been found to be aggressive instead.
Therefore, you need to consider bringing home fish that are peaceful, friendly, and create a happy environment within the aquarium. There are 3 types of fish for an aquarium, namely, community fish, semi-aggressive fish, and non-community fish.
☛ Community Aquarium Fish
Community fish are the best types of fish that can be brought home by a first time fish owner. These are peaceful fish and have no problems sharing the fish tank with other types of aquarium fish species. These are shoaling fish and enjoy being with many other fish of their own type. The most common community fish that are kept by beginners include:
Neon Tetra
Banjo Catfish
Bronze Corydoras
Blue Eyed Plecostomus
Lemon Tetra
Harlequin Rasbora
Honey Gourami
Leopard Cory Cat
Leopard Danio
Masked Cory
X-ray Tetra
Zebra Loach
These are just a few names of community fish. You have a choice of hundreds of types of these fish species. These types of fish co-exist peacefully in the tank and exhibit a beautiful display of colors and shapes.
☛ Semi-aggressive Aquarium Fish
Semi-aggressive aquarium fish are a little naughty ones. They can live in a community tank but end up nibbing and troubling the little and calmer fish. The Red-tailed Shark and Rainbow Shark are the types of aquarium fish species that can live in a community tank with only the members of their own kind.
Tiger barbs can survive with other fish but are semi-aggressive. They tend to have a little fin nipping crave that becomes bothersome for other fish.
The following types of fish species are semi-aggressive:
Black Acara
Aurora Cichlid
Blue Gourami
Dragon Fish
Fire Eel
Spotted Puffer
Red-Tailed Black Shark
Rainbow Shark
Paradise Fish
Leopard Bluefish
Keyhole Cichlid
Firemouth Cichli
Black Ghost Knifefish
Three Spot Gourami
Electric Yellow Cichlid
If you get any of these fish along with your cool and peaceful community fish, you will surely see some action in your fish tank.
☛ Non-community Aquarium Fish
These fish need a supply of live fish in their diet, and other fish swimming in the same tank become a live prey! Put in a few goldfish and neon tetras with your Tiger Oscars and within 15 minutes you will only find the Tiger Oscars swimming around with a satisfied look. These fish also tend to grow quite large and obviously feed on the little ones.
The other types of aquarium fish species that fall in the non-community group are:
Asian Arowana
Auratus Cichlid
Graceful catfish
Spotted Piranha
Indian Algae Eater
Chinese Algae Eater
Clown Knife Fish
Cuvier's Bichir
Electric Blue Johanni
Florida Gar
Needle Nose Gar
Green Terror
Kenyi Cichlid
Oscar fish
Silver Arowana
These are a few non-community aquarium fish that cannot be surely kept with the community or even semi-aggressive type of fish.
There are also other types of fish for an aquarium that can be categorized further in the below-mentioned three groups. These aquarium fish are divided according to the type of water they are found in.
✔ Types of Saltwater Aquarium Fish
These saltwater aquarium fish are found in marine or saltwater and the following are a few types of saltwater fish species:
Butterfly Fish
Cardinal Fish
Puffer Fish
Hatchet Fish
These are just a few names of the many types of saltwater fish species. There is a huge range of fish and their subtypes to choose from for your saltwater fish tank setup.
✔ Types of Tropical Aquarium Fish
These types of fish are found in the tropical waters around the world. The following are just a few names from the wide range of types of tropical fish:
Rainbow fish
Tropical Arowanas
Tropical Puffers
Brackish Fish
There may be a few names common to the saltwater and freshwater types of fish, but the subspecies that are found in different waters differentiate them.
✔ Types of Freshwater Aquarium Fish
These types of freshwater aquarium fish inhabit the freshwater bodies. There are thousands of freshwater fish and a few of them are mentioned below:
Neon Tetras
Betta Fish
These are a few fish that will help you understand about the different types of aquarium fish. Just narrow down your choices and do some research about the fish of your choice over the Internet. You may even ask your friends who have kept fish as pets for help. Fish are by far one of the best pets in the world.
They just stay at one corner of your house, you need to feed them twice a day, change the water once in a few weeks, you never have to hear them cry or howl, and they never dirty your home or fear 'run away' fish.
As a first time owner, I would advice you to get some small and sturdy fish to help you get started and gradually move up to the more exotic ones. Aquarium fish will surely help you calm your nerves and provide a peaceful, serene environment in your home.