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How to Take Care of Angelfish

Pragya T
To keep angelfish as pets one needs to take great care of them. Let's look at the important factors one needs to keep in mind for angelfish care.
Angelfish, are those appropriately named delicate looking aquarium fish which are mostly found in colors such as shiny black and silver. However, these are not the only types of angelfish; there are other fish which resemble angelfish and are many times referred to as angelfish too.
Marine angelfish types include some fish which are vibrantly colored. There is Atlantic spadefish which is a type of marine fish that resembles the silver and black pet angelfish types. All these types of fish might be referred as angelfish, but they do not belong to the genus called pterophyllum (pronounced as tear-o-fie-lum ).
The word pterophyllum is derived from the Greek word - 'winged leaf'. The word scalare, the second half of its scientific name Pterophyllum scalare means 'like a flight of stairs', in reference to the dorsal fin of the fish belonging to this group.
Angelfish have a laterally compressed body structure, which looks like a disc on the edge. These are freshwater fish, which mostly have a silver and black striped body, but may also be uniformly single toned in color like complete silver, black and gold.
Some will also have patterns which are similar to leopard spots or marble swirls; so you can choose accordingly. You can get one angelfish for a price of around USD 5. Here is one angelfish fact. These fish have a life span of around 10 years, but to maintain them for these many years, follow the mentioned below angelfish instructions.

Angelfish Care Information

To maintain happy, healthy fish two important things need to be taken care of, right water and right diet. Follow these instructions properly to keep your angelfish healthy for years.


In the natural angelfish habitat, the angelfish survive on smaller fish, mosquito and larva. However, people mostly will give their pet angelfish, flakes. Buy high quality flakes to feed the fish, and to add variety to their diet, give the fish a treat of live food occasionally. Sometimes, you can feed them frozen blood worms and brine shrimp. But, in case you are not able to provide live food, then normal flakes will do just fine.

Tank Size & Care

Angelfish prefer tall fish tanks. For a nickel sized angelfish you need 1 gallon of water, for a silver dollar sized fish go for 3 gallons, and a full-grown will need 4 gallons of water. Angelfish can grow quite large, and some can grow up to 15 centimeters, hence try to have a larger aquarium.
Plants are important to take care of freshwater tanks, as they will keep the tank clean and provide oxygen. So add some plants to the tank. Plants will not only look good, but will also provide an environment for the fish to hide. It is best to opt for a filtration system which is either a sponge or an under-gravel filter.

Water Requirements & Changing Water

The pH of the water should be maintained between 6 to 7.5, and the temperature should be maintained between 74 °F - 84 °F, the water hardness should be 5° to 13° dH. Changing the water of the aquarium regularly will ensure that the quality of water stays good and the fish remain healthy.
The higher the number of angelfish, the more number of times you will need to change the water. Make sure the freshwater you are adding, has the same pH, hardness and temperature mentioned.
Take out the angelfish gently using a net, and keep them in a bucket or a bigger bowl of freshwater. Now clean the tank, remove any debris, and add freshwater. Finally start adding the fish slowly and one by one.

Angelfish Diseases & Other Problems

The diseases which infect these angelfish are the same, as the ones which affect other freshwater fish. The most common one is 'ich', which is caused due to a parasite in the tank. In case you notice any white spots on the fish's body, then treatment for ich might be required.
Another common disease that attacks these tropical fish is exophthalmia or commonly known pop-eye. It is a symptom, not a disease, in some cases it can be cured and in other cases, it is incurable.
It can be caused due to build up of waste products, or a parasitic fungus, or bacterial infections. In this disorder, the fish's eyes will bulge and the cornea will become cloudy. In case you observe any such symptoms, ask a vet about the proper treatment.
Angelfish care including things like the water, tank and food requirements when looked after in the right manner, it will keep the fish healthy and happy, and ensure that you will be able to avoid any angelfish diseases or health related problems easily.