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5 Reasons Why Peanut Butter is Not a Safe Treat for Your Dog

Paisley Hansen
Peanut butter has become a popular treat to give to dogs, but is it really healthy for them? It is easy to fall into the trap of giving peanut butter to man's best friend. After all, nearly everyone has some in their pantry and most dogs love it. Yet, this simple and delicious treat can be dangerous for your dog.

Most Peanut Butter Contain Aflatoxins

If you are unsure of what aflatoxins are, they are cancer-causing toxins (or mycotoxins) that are found in most peanuts. Mycotoxins are one of the most carcinogenic substances in the world, and they are very toxic to the liver. In fact, exposure to these toxins is associated with an increased risk for liver cancer.

Peanut Butter Contains Lectins

Does peanut butter have lectins? The answer is yes, which is not necessarily a negative thing. Lectins have become a bad word in recent years, particularly in the dieting world, as they act as a binder of sorts and can keep the body from absorbing essential nutrients. Yet, foods containing lectins can be very healthy in small amounts.

Most Peanut Butter Contain Unnecessary Fats

Healthy fats are essential to a diet, but some fats should be avoided. Trans fats, for example, are some of the most dangerous fats around, and most peanut butter contains them. Trans fats are the result of the process used to give food a longer shelf life. Food will stay fresh for a longer time, but at what cost?

Peanut Butter Contains Sugar

Sugar is quite obviously unhealthy for humans, and it is bad for dogs as well. It can cause yeast issues, bacteria, and even parasites in your dog's digestive tract. Sugar also feeds cancer and can cause many other longer-term health issues, such as diabetes, premature aging, and inflammation.

Some Peanut Butter Contains Salt

Everyone needs a little bit of salt in their diet- even dogs. Dogs need sodium to keep their electrolytes balanced, so small amounts of salt aren’t bad for your dog. However, salt in excess can lead to serious health complications and even death. Salt poisoning is a real problem, but it can easily be avoided if you monitor your dog's salt intake.